A family trip brought me to Annapolis, Maryland. Through Twitter, I have started to form some acquaintances and friendships throughout the running community in the United States and beyond. There are runners of all talent levels on Twitter - from novices like myself, experienced runners, as well as elite runners and American record holders. Its an amazing bunch of people. I've also formed some additional friends through DailyMile, and often those who post on DailyMile, also post on Twitter. Thankfully, I have had the opportunity to meet some of these people in real life. And I had the great pleasure of meeting another - Ann.
Ann is a writer in Annapolis. Ann is also an athlete. From time to time we exchange conversation through Twitter and we also follow each others streams. I mentioned to Ann that I might be coming down to Annapolis for a family visit and it would be great to meet up for a run if at all possible. Turns out both of our schedules worked, and we were able to establish a time and a place to meet.
We decided to meet at the World War II Memorial over looking the United States Naval Academy. I took a picture when I arrived and it is a wonderful memorial. We headed out towards the park below the bridge to stop at the restrooms and to get some water and then headed over the bridge to the Academy.
There were plenty of runners already out, and before I met Ann, I ran into a guy visiting from Texas going for a run, training for a half marathon. While the temperatures were in the lower 50's, he was bundled up like it was the mid 20's. I guess when you live in Texas, the 50's are cold.
We proceeded over the bridge and then headed towards the entrance of the Academy. You must have a photo ID or you will not be allowed to enter. We showed our ID's and then proceeded to run.
What a nice run it is...plenty of nice views, interesting things to see - the sail boats the cadets train on, the place where some PT is done, and some of the practice fields and of course the water. I did not bring my camera on the run but the view of the water was endless and scenic and very relaxing.
We had a nice chat while running and Ann is a very good guide. Saw some things I wouldn't have noticed if I was just there by myself. Funny how quick an hour goes while running, but an hour later, we had run thoughout the Academy and then back over the bridge back towards the Memorial.
Thank you Ann and thank you Annapolis for a great run!